Rob Poole
I am an academic psychiatrist, but I was a full-time clinician for most of my career. I held NHS consultant posts in Liverpool and North Wales for 21 years before I took my first substantive academic appointment in 2009. I have held my present post since 2012.
I trained at St George’s Hospital, London and in Oxford.
From 1988 to 2004 I worked in a deprived part of central Liverpool. I was closely involved in establishing services such as the Criminal Justice Liaison Team and the Homeless Outreach Team. I worked with non-statutory mental health projects to develop better services for Black and Chinese communities.
In 2004 I moved to an NHS community psychiatry post in rural North East Wales.
My present clinical role is in liaison psychiatry.
My interests centre on clinical skills and issues of clinical importance that affect deprived and marginalised people.
In 2009 I formed a research collaboration with Professor Catherine Robinson which, led to the establishment of the Centre for Mental Health and Society in 2012. Catherine moved to Manchester University in 2018, and a strong relationship has developed between CFMHAS and her new research unit.
I co-authored two books on clinical skills with Robert Higgo which have gained national and international recognition. A second edition of our book on psychiatric interviewing was published by Cambridge University Press in 2017.
I co-authored Mental Illness and Poverty with Robert Higgo and Catherine Robinson. This was published by Cambridge University Press in 2014.
Catherine Robinson and I have been working on self-harm and suicide with colleagues in Mysuru in India for some years. In 2017, this work culminated in a £4.5 million grant from UKRI-GCRF to support the South Asia Self Harm Initiative (SASHI). This is a collaboration with colleagues in south Asia as well as Manchester and Oxford Universities.
I was awarded the Royal College of Psychiatrists Lifetime Achievement Award, 2017.
In 2019 I was invited to join the project board of the National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Safety in Mental Health.
Professor of Social Psychiatry, School of Health Sciences, Bangor University. July 2012 –
Honorary Consultant Psychiatrist, Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board, Wrexham Maelor Hospital. June 2009 –
Co-Director, Centre for Mental Health and Society, Bangor University 2012 –
Co-Principle Investigator, National Centre for Mental Health, Wales 2017 –
Director and Specialist Adviser, Invited Review Service, Royal College of Psychiatrists, June 2013 – 2018
Honorary Research Lead, National Centre for Mental Health, Wales, 2015 – 2017
Chair, Executive Committee, Royal College of Psychiatrists in Wales, 2012 – 2016
Vice-President, Royal College of Psychiatrists, November 2015 – July 2016
Professor of Mental Health, Glyndŵr University, Wrexham. June 2009 – June 2012
Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist, North East Wales NHS Trust and Honorary Senior Lecturer in Psychological Medicine, Cardiff University, 2004 – 2009
Consultant General Adult Psychiatrist, Mersey Care NHS Trust, Liverpool and Honorary Clinical Lecturer in Psychiatry, Liverpool University, 1988 – 2004
Doctoral Supervision
Emily Bebbington, PhD
John Bailey, PhD
Kim Barnett, PhD
Other Measures of Esteem
Life Time achievement Award, November 2017
Research Funding
Development of a self-harm registry for North Wales. 2024. £35k, (Emily Bebbingon, Anne Krayer, Catherine Robinson)
International Science Partnerships Fund (ISPF) Institutional Support Grant. 2024. £10k
Preventing suicide in men in Wales: review of evidence. Public Health Wales. (£40,000) 2023-2024 Principle Investigator
UKRI-GCRF to support the South Asia Self Harm Initiative (SASHI). 2017. £4.5m
Improving assessment and treatment of mental disorder after Deliberate Self-Harm in South India Tropical Health Education Trust (£68,258) 2014. Principle Investigator
Development of faculty, strengthening of research capability in Mysore British Council (£20,341) 2014-2015. Co-Principle Investigator
- Psychiatric Interviewing and Assessment Second Edition. Poole R, Higgo R . Psychiatric Interviewing and Assessment Second Edition. Cambridge : Cambridge University Press; 2017.
- Poole R, Higgo R, Robinson CA . Mental Health and Poverty. Cambridge University Press; 2014.
- Poole R, Higgo R. Clinical Skills in Psychiatric Treatment. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press; 2008.
Book Chapters
- Poole, R. & Robinson, C.,. Mind, State and Society Social History of Psychiatry and Mental Health in Britain 1960–2010. Edited by George Ikkos, Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Nick Bouras, King's College London. Chapter 4 - Social Theory, Psychiatry and Mental Health Services . RCPsych: Cambridge University Press; 2021. p. 32 - 40. DOI:
- Poole R, Robinson CA . Training General Hospital Doctors in Mental Health Assessment using GMHAT/PC as part of a suicide prevention strategy. Chapter in The Global Mental Health Assessment Tool, Ed. Shah V, Indian Psychiatric Society. 2017.
- Poole R, Tippett M . Mental health services in Wales: policy, legislation and governance. Chapter in Management for Psychiatrists, Ed. Bhugra D, Bell S, Burns A. London: RCPsych Publications. 2016.
- Poole R . Emergencies involving alcohol. Chapter in Psychiatric Emergencies, Ed. Nicholls K. London: RCPsych Publications. 2015.
- Poole R. Medical Diagnosis of Mental Illness. Chapter in Good Practice in Adult Mental Health, Jessica Kingsley, Eds Ryan T and Pritchard J ; 2004.
- Brabbins C & Poole R. Substance Misuse in a Secure Environment. Chapter in “Forensic Mental Health Care Planning: Directions and Dilemmas”, Churchill Livingstone, Eds. Merson D, Mason T, McKeown M, McCann G.; 2000.
- Poole R. General Adult Psychiatrists and Their Patients’ Children. Chapter in Parental Psychiatric Disorder, 1st edition, Cambridge University Press, Eds. Gopfert M, Webster J, Seeman MV ; 1996.
- Nyakutsikwa, B, Taylor, PJ, Hawton, K, Poole, R, Weerasinghe, M, Dissanayake, K, Rajapakshe, S, Hashini, P, Eddleston, M, Konradsen, F, Huxley, P, Robinson, C, Pearson, M. Financial stress and self-harm in Sri Lanka. Archives of Suicide Research Journal. 2024. DOI:
- Poole, R. Social psychiatry in Oxford and its ecological niche, 1959–1988. BJPsych Bulletin. 2024. pp1-5. DOI:
- Bebbington, E., Kakola, M., Majgi, SM., Krishna, M., Poole, R., Robinson, C.. Exploring misclassification of injury intent: A burn register study. Burns. 2024. DOI:
- Poole, R., Robinson, C. . Editorial – Celebrating the work of Peter Huxley. Whiting & Bird Ltd; Social Work and Social Sciences Review. 2024. p. 3-4. 25 (1). DOI:
- Bebbington E, Ramesh P, McPhillips R, Bibi F, Khan M, Kakola M, Poole R, Robinson, C. . Terminology and methods used to differentiate injury intent of hospital burn patients in South Asia: Results from a systematic scoping review. Elsevier. 2023. DOI:
- Bebbington, E., Ramesh, P., Kakola, M., McPhillips, R., Bibi, F., Hanif, A., Morris, N., Khan, M., Poole, R., Robinson, C.. Terminology and methods used to differentiate injury intent of hospital burn patients in South Asia: a systematic scoping review protocol. Systematic Reviews . 2023. 12, 153. DOI:
- Bebbington, E., Kakola, M., Nagaraj, S., Guruswamy, S., McPhillips, R., Majgi, S., Rajendra, R., Krishna, M., Poole, R., Robinson, C.. Development of an electronic burns register: digitisation of routinely collected hospital data for global burns surveillance. Burns Elsevier. 2023. DOI:
- Poole, R., Cook, C., Song, R., Robinson, C. . Psychiatrists’ attitudes to professional boundaries concerning spirituality and religion: mixed-methods study. BJPsych Bulletin. 2023. P1-5. DOI:
- Poole, R., Huxley, P.. Social prescribing: an inadequate response to the degradation of social care in mental health. BJPsych Bulletin. 2023. 1-4. DOI:
- Nafees, S., Matusiak, J., Taylor-Clutton, A., Newman, S., Poole, R.. INSIGHT: Evaluation of the Psychological Medicine Student Placements at HMP Berwyn, North Wales: Year One Findings. BJPsych Open. 2023. 9 (S1), S30-S31. DOI:
- Bebbington, E.; Poole, R.; Kumar, S.P.; Krayer, A.; Krishna, M.; Taylor, P.; Hawton, K.; Raman, R.; Kakola, M.; Srinivasarangan, M.; Robinson, C. Establishing Self-Harm Registers: The Role of Process Mapping to Improve Quality of Surveillance Data Globally. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2023. 20, 2647. DOI:
- Huxley P, Krayer A, Poole R, Gromadzka A, Jie, D L and Nafees, S . The Goldberg–Huxley model of the pathway to psychiatric care: 21st-century systematic review. BJPsych Open. 2023. Volume 9 , Issue 4 , July 2023 , e114. Available from: DOI:
- Rob Poole and Catherine Robinson. Breaking out of the citadel: social theory and psychiatry. BJPsych Bulletin. 2023. Available from: DOI:
- Carden, J., Huxley, P, J., Poole, R., Robinson, C., Salmoiraghi, A., Foulkes, J., Davies, S., Williams, S., Morris., Meudell, A. Social causes and outcomes of acute transient psychotic disorder: A review of recent evidence. Int J Soc Psychiatry . 2023. 69(2):412-419. . DOI:
- Gill, S., Bailey, J., Nafees, S., Poole, R. . A qualitative interview study of GPs’ experiences of prescribing opioid medication for chronic pain. BJGP. 2022. 6(4): BJGPO.2022.0085. DOI:
- Huxley, R & Poole, R. Social psychiatry lives!. BJPsych Bulletin. 2022. Volume 47 , Issue 2 , April 2023 , pp. 65 - 67 . DOI:
- Bailey, J., Nafees, S., Gill, S., Jones, L., Poole, R. . Patterns of prescribing in primary care leading to high-dose opioid regimens: a mixed-method study. JCGP Open. 2022. 1-7. DOI:
- Lepping P, Poole R. Psychiatry’s need for Vergangenheitsbewältigung: ‘culture wars’, cognitive dissonance and coming to terms with the past. BJPsych Open. 2022. 22;8 (6): e202. DOI:
- Bailey, John; Gill, Simon; Poole, Rob. John Bailey/Bangor University. Long-term, high-dose opioid prescribing for chronic non-cancer pain in primary care. BJGP Open. 2022. DOI:
- Lewis, C., Lewis, K., Roberts, A., Evison, C., Edwards, B., John, A., Lloyd, K., Pearce H., Poole, R.,Richards, N., Robinson, C., Jones, I., Bisson, J, I.. COVID-19-related posttraumatic stress disorder in adults with lived experience of psychiatric disorder. Depression and Anxiety. 2022. Volume 39, Issue 7 p. 564-572. DOI:
- Godlee, F., Abbasi, K., Chalmers, I., Daniel, J., Darzi, A., Dominiczak, A., Dubicka, B., Gill, G., Gordon, I., Haines, A., Green, M., Hammond, P., Harber, M., Hayden, M., Holmes, A., Horton, R., Kumar, R., Leng, G., Maxwell, P., McKirdy, M., Montgommery, H., Moxham, J., Pencheon, D., Poole, R., Rae, M., Smith, R., Sabaratnam, A., Stott, R., Underwood, R.. Senior health professionals call for urgent climate briefing of all MPs by the chief scientific adviser: open letter to PM. BMJ. 2022. 377: o987 . DOI:
- Poole, R., Richardson, B. “Counterpoint: Is It Ethically Appropriate for physicians to offer to pray with patients in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)? No”. CHEST Journal . 2022. 161 (4): 884-885. DOI:
- “Counterpoint: It is ethically appropriate for physicians to offer to pray with patients in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit)? Rebuttal”?. CHEST Journal. 2022. 161 (4): 887 . DOI:
- Lewis, K, J, S., Lewis, C., Roberts, A., Richards, N, A., Evison, C., Pearce, H, A., , Lloyd, K., , Meudell, A., Edwards, B, M., Robinson, C, A., Poole, R., John, A., Bisson, J, I., Jones, I. . The effect of the COVID-19 pandemic on mental health in individuals with pre-existing mental illness. BJPsych Open. 2022. 8(2): e59. DOI:
- Krishna, M., Majgi S,M., Dumar, S, P., Rejendra, R., Heggere, N., Poole, R, Robinson, C. A hospital-based self-harm register in Mysore, South India: Is follow-up of survivors feasible in low and middle income countries?. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2021. 8 (11) 5258-5262 . DOI:
- Huxley, P., Krayer, A., Poole, R., Prendergast, L., Aryal, S. & Warner, R. . Schizophrenia outcomes in the 21st century: A systematic review. Brain and Behaviour. 2021. DOI:
- Poole R & Nafees S. [Internet]. The Social Determinants of Mental Health, the Pandemic and Social Justice. The Arab Journal of Psychiatry . 2021. 32, 1, 16 -20.
- Bebbington, E., Lawson, J., Nafees, S., Robinson, C. & Poole, R.,. Evaluation of a framework for safe and appropriate prescribing of psychoactive medications in a UK prison. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health.. 2020. DOI:
- Bailey, J., Nafees, S., Jones, L. & Poole, R. Rationalisation of long-term high-dose opioids for chronic pain: Development of an intervention and conceptual framework. British Journal of Pain. 2020. DOI:
- Harding, K., Poole, R. & Robinson, C.,. The outsourcing of risk: out of area placements for those diagnosed with personality disorder in the UK. Lancet Psychiatry. 2020. 7, 9, p. 730-731. DOI:
- Poole, R., . The sacred versus the secular in UK psychiatry. BJPsych Advances. 2020. 26, 5, p. 285 26. DOI:
- Poole, R & Campbell, S. Editorial: Disorderly street users of novel psychoactive substances: what might help?. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. 2020. 30, 2-3, p. 53-58. DOI:
- Poole R, Bailey J, Robinson CA . The Opioid Crisis and British Prisons. Criminal Behaviour and Mental Health. CBMH. 2019. DOI: 10.1002/cbmh.2136. Available from:
- Poole R, Robinson CA . Self-Harm and Suicide: Beyond Good Intentions. University and College Counselling Journal. 2019. 4-9. Available from:
- Poole R, Cook C, & Higgo, R. Psychiatrists, spirituality and religion. The British Journal of Psychiatry. 2019. 214(4), 181-182. DOI:
- Krayer A, Robinson CA, Poole R. . Exploration of joint working practices on anti-social behaviour between criminal justice, mental health and social care agencies. A qualitative study. Health Soc Care Community. 2018. 00: 1–11. Available from:
- Masood B, Lepping P, Romanov P, Poole R . Treatment of alcohol induced psychotic disorder (alcoholic hallucinosis) a systematic review. Masood B, Lepping P, Romanov P, Poole R . Alcohol & Alcoholism . 2018. 53, 3, 259–267. DOI:
- Lepping P, Whittington R, Sambhi RS, Lane S, Poole R, Leucht S, Cuijpers P, McCabe R, Waheed W. Clinical relevance of findings in trials of CBT for depression. Eur Psychiatry. 2017. 45: 207-211. DOI:
- Poole R, Robinson C.A. Profile: Vanessa Cameron: Thirty-six years at the Royal College of Psychiatrists. BJPsych Bulletin. 2016. 40 (6), 341-345. DOI:
- Ryan, T., Carden, J., Higgo, R., Poole, R. & Robinson, C.A . An assessment of need for mental health rehabilitation amongst in-patients in a Welsh region. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. 2016. 1-7. DOI:
- Poole R . NHS morality and care based on compassionate values. BJPsych Bulletin . 2015. 39: 48-49. DOI:
- Rajendra R, Krishna M, Robinson CA, Heggere N, Poole R . A feasibility study to establish a Deliberate Self-harm Register in a state hospital in southern India. British Journal of Medical Practitioner. 2015. 8(1): a807. Available from:
- Krishna M, Rajendra R, Majgi SM, Heggere N, Parimoo S, Robinson CA, Poole R. Severity of suicidal intent, method and behaviour antecedent to an act of self-harm: A cross sectional study of survivors of self-harm referred to a tertiary hospital in Mysore. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. . 2014. 12:134-139. DOI: DOI:
- Poole R. Clinical implications of church attendance and suicide. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2014. 205; 248. DOI:
- Lepping P, Schönfeldt-Leuona, Sambhi RS, Lanka SVN, Lane S, Whittington R, Leucht S, Poole R . A systematic review of the clinical relevance of repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica. . 2014. 130:326-341. DOI:
- Poole R, Ryan T, Pearsall A . Delayed discharges in an urban inpatient mental health service in England. Psychiatric Bulletin. 2014. 38:66-70. DOI:
- Krayer A., Robinson CA, Poole R, Wolfendale C. Service provision for people with mental health and substance misuse problems – the relationship between stigma and social exclusion. National Institute for Social Care and Health Research. 2013.
Online Publishing
- Poole, R., Robinson, C. . Editorial: Celebrating the work of Peter Huxley. Social Work and Social Sciences Review. 2024. Vol 25 (1). DOI:
- Poole R. [Internet]. Khrushchev’s Shoe Rob Poole on Mental Health, Music and Life. 2018.
- Poole R . [Internet]. The sacred, the profane and the Francis Report. Psych Bulletin eletter. 2014.
- Poole R, Tully J. RCPsych blog zone Minds in music [Internet]. Creativity and Mental Health. 2014.
- Krayer, A., Robinson, CA, Poole, R & Wolfendale, C. Service provision for people with mental health and substance misuse problems – the relationship between stigma and social exclusion. Final Report to the National Institute for Social Care and Health Research. 2013.
- Peck C, Tocque K, Poole R. Scoping exercise: length of stay and readmission rates in Salford Adult Acute Mental Health Services. NHS Salford. 2011.