Emily Peckham has contributed to advice to the Welsh Government on smoking cessation and healthy weight management in people with SMI. John Carden provided comments as a clinical expert who reviewed drafts for the evidence appraisal document: HTW evidence appraisal review. Solution-focused assessment tools (DIALOG+) for improving the treatment of people with psychosis and schizophrenia within secondary mental health services’. This was an evidence appraisal review conducted by Health Technology Wales on DIALOG+. DIALOG+ is a free to use, open-source assessment tool that is administered via a web app. DIALOG+ is informed by the principles of solution-focused therapy (SFT) which allows people receiving care to rate their satisfaction with eight life domains and three treatment aspects on a seven-point scale in collaboration with their healthcare professional.
Heidi Hales is part of a clinical focus group for SCH Health and Welfare based needs assessment for a London Secure Children’s Home.