Title: Enabling Service Users with Severe Mental Illness to Learn about and Engage (SMILE) with Good Oral Health: Co-production, Feasibility and Acceptability of a Systems intervention
Aim: Co-production of an oral health intervention to improve oral health in people with severe mental illness and testing its feasibility and acceptability
- Co-produce materials for a behaviour change intervention with service users living with SMI to increase their use of dental services, improve oral hygiene and reduce intake of dietary sugar
- Co-produce a service-level blueprint and training materials with professionals to be able to integrate and deliver the intervention in routine care
- Test the feasibility and acceptability of the co-produced oral health intervention by measuring uptake of and adherence to the intervention, and completion of outcome measures at follow-up points
- Capture the experiences of service users with SMI who participate in the intervention and of the professionals who support them.
The proposed study will be conducted in the UK involving mental health care settings and the dental health care settings. The feasibility study will be carried out in collaboration with Sheffield Health and Social Care NHS Foundation Trust and Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust.
The project is expected to lead to an acceptable and feasible intervention that will be ready to be tested for effectiveness and cost-effectiveness through a large-scale RCT with an embedded pilot (under future funding), with an aim to improve oral health outcomes and quality of life for people with SMI.