Development of self-harm registry for North Wales (SaVER)
The aim of the project is to adapt processes from the UKRI MRC funded GCRF South Asia Self-Harm Initiative (SASHI) and to establish systems that will enable future implementation of a self-harm register in emergency departments across BCUHB and, eventually, nationally across Wales.
We will:
• Bring together and work with key partners in unscheduled and emergency care, public health, and mental health services in BCUHB; PHW; and NHS Wales Executive;
• Explore stakeholder experience of use of self-harm data in Wales, which will inform the minimum data set;
• Work with third sector organisations and people with lived experience to understand the acceptability of self-harm register data collection methods;
• Establish an operational group and an expert advisory group for a self-harm register in BCUHB;
• Identify variables that will be useful to stakeholders groups in real time surveillance to improve services (e.g. key performance indicators for emergency departments) and inform preventative interventions (e.g. “hot spots”, and targets for restriction of access to means);
• Design the register to allow calculation of return on investment, and to monitor cost-effectiveness of self-harm interventions;
• Explore integration of future self-harm register data with Real Time Suspected Suicide Surveillance data;
• Identify and incorporate best practice from SASHI and from extant UK self-harm registers;
• Understand and find solutions to key governance issues such as ethics, data protection, and data ownership.