Murali Krishna
I am currently working as a Research Fellow at the Centre for Mental Health and Society University of Bangor and the country lead for South Asia Self-Harm Initiatives in India.
I am a UK trained psychiatrist with specific training and expertise in conducting life course psychiatric epidemiology studies in low- and middle- income countries like India. I received the Welcome India Alliance fellowship to examine the DOHaD (Developmental origins of Health and Disease) pathways for cognitive aging in a Mysore Birth Records Cohort.
I am part of a collaborative research group carrying out several birth cohort and population based epidemiology studies to examine life course determinants of cognitive, neurological, mental health and cardiometabolic outcomes in south India. I have specific expertise in the development, validation and adaptation of psychosocial interventions to improve mental health outcomes in resource poor settings.
In addition, a co-investigator of a dementia services and implementation research in India, Tanzania and Brazil. My work has been funded by grants from Welcome Trust UK, Medical Research Council UK, Canadian Institute of Health Research, Global Alliance of Chronic Diseases UK and Department of International Development UK.
Research Funding
- Early Career Research Fellow. Wellcome DBT Alliance (PI). Size at birth and cognition in late life: A lifecourse epidemiology study of the Mysore Birth Records Cohort. 2012-2017. Amount: 16,742,820 INR
- Edgehill University FOHSC grant (Co-PI): Mental health research study investigating staff attitudes and knowledge base of suicide and deliberate self-harm, Mysore, India. 2014-2015. Amount: 5000 GBP.
- Tropical Health and Education Trust, UK (Indian Lead) (Co-PI): Enhancing the role of nurses and allied health professionals in the delivery of mental health services at Mysore.. 2012-2014. Amount 4950 GBP
- THET Health Partnership Scheme UK (Indian Lead) (Co-PI): Mental health assessment and treatment interventions following suicide attempts in Southern India. 2014. £24,000.
- Canadian Academy of Geriatric Psychiatry (Co-PI): An Indo-Canadian Cross-Cultural Qualitative Study on Caregivers of Persons with Dementia. 2015-2016 Amount: 5000 USD.
- THET Health Partnership Scheme UK (Co-PI): Training general hospital doctors in mental health management of survivors of deliberate self harm. 2015-2017. Amount: 64,000 GBP.
- Global Health Equity Scholars, University of Berkely, US. (Co-PI): Impact of postnatal depression on mother and infant relationship in rural south India. 2016. Amount 10,000 USD.
- Medical Research Council UK – Indian Council of Medical Research (Co-PI): Consortium study on Vulnerability to Externalising Disorders and Addictions c-VEDA. 2016-2019 Amount 1,439,290 GBP
- Indian Council of Medical Research (co-PI): Development of Battery for Cognitive Communication – Kannada (BCC-K). 2016 -2018 Amount: 25,62,608 INR.
- Global Challenges Research Fund and Royal Colleges UK (Co-PI): South Asia Self Harm Initiatives: Building Capacity for Suicide Research in India and Pakistan. 2017-2022. Amount: 5 million GBP.
- Canadian Institutes of Health Research and Department of Biotechnology, India; Healthy Life Trajectories Initiative (HeLTI) (Co-PI): Early Interventions to Support Trajectories for Healthy Life in India (EINSTEIN); 2017-2022; Amount 3,100,000 GBP.
- Welcome Trust/Department of Biotechnology India Alliance (Co-PI): Lifecourse programming of stress responses in young adults in India: A multifaceted approach to explore mediating factors and develop interventions. 2017-2022;. Amount 586,775 GBP.
- Medical Research Council UK-Indian Council of Medical Research (Co-PI): Implementation Research of Cognitive Stimulation Therapy in India, Brazil and Tanzania (CST-International). 2018-2022; Amount: 724,436 GBP;
- Department of Science and Technology India (Co-PI): Development and validation of a mobile application for diagnosis of dementia in India. 2019-2022 Amount: 10490610 INR.
- Global Health Equity Scholars, University of Berkely, US (Co-PI): Association of Lung function and cognitive function: a pilot follow-up study in the MUDHRA Cohort: 2018-2019. Amount 20,000 USD.
Any specific roles people hold or initiatives
Mentor: for Global Helath Equity Scholarsihp, University of Berkley. for improving capacity in Mental Health Research.
Head of Research at Foundation of Research and Advocay in Mental health Mysore.
Scientific Advisor: ARDSI India.
Links to policy-makers
Scientific advisor: ARDSI Mysore – Pathways to impact Ageing Research.
Links with IIPH Bangalore and SVYM-GRAAM in Mysore for policy research and implementation.
ARDS = Alzheimers and related disorders International.
IIPH Indian institute of Public health.
SVYM and GRAAM – Mysore.
Book Chapters
- Jones S, Keenan P, Rajendra R, Danivas V, Krishna M. Training Nurses in mental health assessment in India using GMAT-PC. Indian Psychiatric Society; 2017. p. 93-102.
- Krishna M, Jones S, Ramya MC, Sharma VK. Use of GMHAT/PC in older adult population in India. Indian Psychiatric Society; 2017. p. p141-149.
- Bebbington, E., Kakola, M., Nagaraj, S., Guruswamy, S., McPhillips, R., Majgi, S., Rajendra, R., Krishna, M., Poole, R., Robinson, C.. Development of an electronic burns register: digitisation of routinely collected hospital data for global burns surveillance. Burns Elsevier. 2023. DOI:
- Bebbington, E.; Poole, R.; Kumar, S.P.; Krayer, A.; Krishna, M.; Taylor, P.; Hawton, K.; Raman, R.; Kakola, M.; Srinivasarangan, M.; Robinson, C. Establishing Self-Harm Registers: The Role of Process Mapping to Improve Quality of Surveillance Data Globally. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health. 2023. 20, 2647. DOI:
- McPhillips, R., Nafees, S., Elahi, A., Batool, S., Krishna, M., Krayer, A., Huxley, P., Chaudhry, N., Robinson, C.. Knowledge, attitudes and experiences of self-harm and suicide in low-income and middle-income countries: protocol for a systematic review. BMJ Open . 2022. 11(6): e041645. DOI:
- Krishna, M., Majgi S,M., Dumar, S, P., Rejendra, R., Heggere, N., Poole, R, Robinson, C. A hospital-based self-harm register in Mysore, South India: Is follow-up of survivors feasible in low and middle income countries?. International Journal Of Community Medicine And Public Health. 2021. 8 (11) 5258-5262 . DOI:
- Krishna M, Jones S, Bharath DU, Kumaran K et al.,. Size at birth and cognitive function in late life: a systematic review: Accepted for publication in the International Journal Geriatric Psychiatry.. International Journal Geriatric Psychiatry. 2019. Vol. 8: 1139-1169. . DOI:
- Gravio CD, Krishnaveni GV, Somashekara R, Veena SR, Kumaran K, Krishna M, SC Karat, Fall CHD . Comparing BMI with skinfolds to estimate age at adiposity rebound and its associations with cardio-metabolic risk markers in adolescence. International journal of obesity . 2019. 2019: (43); 683-690.
- Nath A, Metgud CS, Krishna M, Venkatesh S, Murthy GVS . Prenatal Depression and its Associated Risk Factors among Pregnant Women in Bangalore: A Hospital Based Prevalence Study. Frontiers in Public Health . 2019. 7;108.
- McPhillips, R, Nafees, S, Krishna, M, Krayer, A, Huxley, P. & Robinson, C, . Knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of self-harm and suicide: a systematic review. 2019.
- Krishnaveni G, Kumaran K, Fall CHD, Krishna M et al. Life course programming of stress responses in adolescents and young adults in India: Protocol of the Stress Responses in Adolescence and Vulnerability to Adult Non-communicable disease (SRAVANA) Study. Wellcome Open Res. 2018. 3:56.
- Arun V, Krishna M, Arunkumar BV, Padma SK , Shyam V. Exploratory Boosted Feature Selection and Neural Network Framework for Depression Classification. International Journal of Interactive Multimedia & Artificial Intelligence. 2018. 5 (3);61-71.
- Bhagyashree SR, Kiran KN, Fall CH, Krishna M . Machine learning methods for Diagnosis of Dementia: pilot exploratory study from MYNAH (Mysore studies of Natal effects on Ageing and Health) cohort. Social Psychiatry Psychiatry Epidemiology . 2018. 53 (1), 77-86.
- Dojode CMR, Krishna M, Shepherd A, Dojode CM, Kattimani R, Reddy GS, D Bhattacharjee D. No differences in healing among different closure methods of arthroscopic portals: a systematic review.. Joint Disorders & Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. 2017. 000132.
- Krishna M, Kumar GM, Veena SR, Krishnaveni GV, Kumaran K, Karat SC, Coakley P, Osmond C, Copeland JR, Chandak G, Bhat D, Varghese M, Prince M, Fall C . Birth size, risk factors across life and cognition in late life: protocol of prospective longitudinal follow-up of the MYNAH (Mysore studies of Natal effects on Ageing and Health) cohort. BMJ Open. 2017. 16;7(2):e012552.
- Kumar N, Rajendra R, Majgi SM, Krishna M, Keenan P, Jones S . Attitudes of General Hospital Staff Toward Patients Who Self-harm in South India: A Cross-Sectional Study.. Indian J Psychol Med. 2016. 38 (6): 547-552. DOI:
- Danivas V, Bharmal M, Keenan P, Jones S, Karat SC, Kalyanaraman K, Prince M,Fall CH, Krishna M. An interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) of coercion towards community dwelling older adults with dementia: findings from Mysore studies of natal effects on ageing and health (MYNAH). Social Psychiatry Psychiatry Epidemiology. 2016. 2016;51(12):1659-1664. DOI:
- Krishna M, Beulah E, Jones S, Kumaran K, Fall CHD, Prince M. Cognitive function and disability: An ecological validity of the 10/66 Battery of Cognitive Tests in community dwelling older adults in Mysore, South India. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2016. 2016;31:879-891. DOI:
- Bhagyashree SR, Sheshadri HS, Krishna M. Diagnosis of Alzheimer’s Disease using Rule Based Approach: Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2016; 9(13):2-6.. Indian Journal of Science and Technology. 2016. 9 (13): 2-6. DOI:
- Rajendra R, Krishna M, Robinson CA, Heggere N, Poole R . A feasibility study to establish a Deliberate Self-harm Register in a state hospital in southern India. British Journal of Medical Practitioner. 2015. 8(1): a807. Available from:
- Krishna M, Kumaran K, Veena SR, Krishnaveni GV, Karat SC, Coakley P, Nagaraj K, Stein C, Paul BDR, Prince M, Osmond C, Fall CHD.. Cohort Profile: The 1934–1966 Mysore Birth Records Cohort in South India. International Journal of Epidemiology. 2015. 44(6):1833-41. DOI:
- Jones S, Krishna M, Rajendra R, Keenan P. . Nurses attitudes and beliefs to attempted suicide in Southern India. Journal of Mental Health. 2015. 24 (6): 423-9.
- Raveesh BN, Lepping P, Lanka SV, Turner J, Krishna M.. Patient and visitor violence towards staff on medical and psychiatric wards in India. Asian J Psychiatr. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2015. 13:52-55. DOI:
- Krishna M, Lepping P, Jones S, Lane S . Systematic review and meta-analysis of group cognitive behavioural psychotherapy treatment for sub-clinical depression. Asain Journal of Psychiatry. 2015. 18, 7-16. DOI:
- Krishna M, P, Jones S, Lane S. Systematic review and metanalysis of group psychotherapy in subclinical depression. Asian Journal of Psychiatry. 2015. (16):7-16. DOI:
- Jones S, Keenan P, Krishna M. . Comparisons of attempted suicide between India and UK. Mental Health Nursing. 2014. 34 (4): 14-17 . Available from:
- Sharma BB, Singh S, Sharma VK, Choudhary M, Singh V, Lane S, Lepping P, Krishna M, Copeland J. Psychiatric morbidity in chronic respiratory disorders in an Indian service using GMHAT/PC. General Hospital Psychiatry. 2013. 35(1): 39-44 . DOI:
- Honagodu AR, Krishna M, Sundarachar R, Lepping P. Group psychotherapies for depression in persons with HIV: A systematic review. Indian Journal of Psychiatry . 2013. (55): 323-30. DOI:
- Krishna M, Honagodu A, Rajendra R, Sundarachar R, Lane S, Lepping P. A systematic review and meta-analysis of group psychotherapy for sub-clinical depression in older adults. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry. 2013. 28(9): 881-888. DOI: