Lauren Walker
I am a research Fellow and PhD Student with a background in community work, a degree in psychology and twelve years of research experience. My current research interests are in the areas of co-production, power differentials, severe mental ill health (SMI), physical health and recovery, as well as the psychological experiences of minority groups, including refugee, asylum seeker and migrant populations. I have experience as a lived experience co-applicant on three research grants, including a prestigious NIHR programme grant, have co-authored 30 peer reviewed research papers including three as first author. I am a qualitative researcher with mixed methods experience and my area of interest is in co-production. I have studied facilitation in relation to power and conflict at Processwork UK. Outside of my research roles I have worked in advocacy with young disabled people, delivered art workshops for LGBT Foundation, been a director of an arts and mental health charity and trained and worked in welfare rights. Outside of my research role, I am a Mindfulness teacher, with a commitment to my personal practice.
PhD Student, School of Health Sciences, Bangor University
Research Fellow / Programme Manager, School of Health and Psychological Sciences, City, University of London.
Research Fellow, University of York
Research Assistant / Service User Researcher, University of Manchester
(As lived experience co-applicant)
2020 – Skills and Proficiency In Digital Essential Requirements (SPIDER). Closing the Gap Network. Spanakis, P., Heron, P., Walker, L., Wadman, R., Baker, J., Mathers, A. £38,133
2019 – Developing a service user centred co-designed patient safety intervention for acute mental health wards: A mixed methods process evaluation. National Institute of Health Research. NIHR128070. Baker, J., Berzins, K., Bettina, V., Louch, G., Brown, M., O’Hara, J., Vincent, C., Booker, C., Walker, L. £811,751.37
2012 – Enhancing the quality and purpose of user-involved care planning in mental health services (EQUIP). National Institute of Health Research, Programme Grants for Applied Research. Lovell, K., Bower, P., Roberts, C., Callaghan, P., Bee, P., Fraser, C., Rogers, A., Davies, L., Grundy, A., Walker, L., Cree, L., Cahoon, P & Lovell, K. £2m
I have planned, facilitated, and taught on a Masters-level research methods training course for service users and carers in mental health services. I have also co-taught MRes students on patient and public involvement in research.
2022: Poster Presentation at EPA (Section of Epidemiology and Social Psychiatry) Conference. Cambridge University
2022: Presentation –Joint Interactive Leeds and Mental Health Network Conference (University of Leeds)
2022: Poster prize – Health Sciences Research Showcase (University of York)
2021: Presented RE-DEFINE for York at an international end of study conference.
Book Chapters
- Price, O., Walker, L.. Principles of Ethical Research in Research. Bee, P., Brooks, H., Callaghan, P., & Lovell, K.. A research handbook for patient and public involvement researchers. Manchester, England: Manchester University : 2018. Available from:
- Jones G., Bailey, L., Beeken, RJ., Brady, S., Cooper, C., Copeland, RJ., Crosland, S., Dawson, S., Faires, M., Gilbody, S., Haynes, H., Hill, A., Hillison, E., Horspool, M., Lee, E., Li, J., Machaczek, KK., Parrott, S., Quirk, H., Stubbs, B., Tew, GA., Traviss-Turner, G., Turton, E., Walker, L., Peckham, E.. Supporting physical activity through co-production in people with severe mental ill health (SPACES): protocol for a randomised controlled feasibility trial. Pilot Feasibility Studies . 2024. 10, 32 (2024). DOI:
- Shoesmith, E. K., Lorimer, B., Peckham, E. J., Walker, L. & Ratschen, E., . The influence of animal ownership on mental health for people with severe mental illness: Findings from a UK population cohort study. Human-Animal Interactions. 2023. DOI:
- Tew, G. A., Bailey, L., Beeken, R. J., Cooper, C., Copeland, R., Brady, S., Heron, P. N., Hill, A., Lee, E., Spanakis, P., Stubbs, B., Traviss-Turner, G. D., Walker, L., Walters, S., Gilbody, S. & Peckham, E. J., 31. Physical Activity in Adults with Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder: A Large Cross-Sectional Survey Exploring Patterns, Preferences, Barriers, and Motivating Factors. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2023. 20, 3, 23 p., 2548.. DOI:
- Peckham, E. J., Lorimer, B., Spanakis, P., Heron, P. N., Crosland, S., Walker, L. & Gilbody, S.,. Health-risk behaviours among people with severe mental ill health: understanding modifiable risk in the Closing the Gap Health Study. British Journal of Psychiatry. 2023. DOI:
- Walker, L., Dawson, S., Brady, S., Hillison, E., Horspool, M., Jones, G., Wildbore, E. & Peckham, E. J., . Co-producing a physical activity intervention with and for people with severe mental ill health – the spaces story. Qualitative Research in Sport, Exercise and Health. 2023. 13 p.. DOI:
- Heron, P. N., Henderson, L. M., Crosland, S., Gilbody, S. M., Johnston, G. A., Moriarty, A. S., Newbronner, E., Paterson, A., Spanakis, P., Wadman, R., Walker, L. & Peckham, E., . Sleep health among people with severe mental ill health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a linked UK population cohort study. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2022. 13, p. 975593. DOI:
- Newbronner, E., Walker, L., Wadman, R., Crosland, S., Johnston, G., Heron, P., Spanakis, P., Gilbody, S. & Peckham, E., ,. Influences on the physical and mental health of people with serious mental ill-health during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative interview study. In: International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being. 2022. 17, 1, 11 p., 2122135. DOI:
- Spanakis, P., Wadman, R., Walker, L., Heron, P., Mathers, A., Baker, J., Johnston, G., Gilbody, S. & Peckham, E., . Measuring the digital divide among people with severe mental ill health using the essential digital skills framework. Perspectives in public health. 2022. p. 17579139221106399 10 p. DOI:
- Walker, L., Crosland, S., Johnston, G. & Peckham, E. J., . Transformation Beyond COVID-19: Accessibility in Lived Experience Involvement in Research Post Pandemic. Experience, Reflections and Future Direction From the Closing the Gap Network and OWLS Study. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022. 13, 6 p., 872341. DOI:
- Peckham, E., Spanakis, P., Heron, P., Crosland, S., Johnston, G., Newbronner, E., Wadman, R., Walker, L. & Gilbody, S.,. A Year Into the Pandemic: The Diversity of Experience Amongst People With Severe Mental Ill Health. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022. 12, 10 p., 794585. DOI:
- Newbronner, E., Spanakis, P., Wadman, R., Crosland, S., Heron, P., Johnston, G., Walker, L., Gilbody, S. & Peckham, E., . Exploring Access to Mental Health and Primary Care Services for People With Severe Mental Illness During the COVID-19 Restrictions. Frontiers in Psychiatry. 2022. 12, 8 p., 799885. DOI:
- Heron, P., Spanakis, P., Crosland, S., Johnston, G., Newbronner, E., Wadman, R., Walker, L., Gilbody, S. & Peckham, E., . Loneliness among people with severe mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: Results from a linked UK population cohort study. PLOS one. 2022. 17, 1, 11 p., e0262363. DOI:
- Acarturk, C., Uygun, E., Ilkkursun, Z., Carswell, K., Tedeschi, F., Batu, M., Eskici, S., Kurt, G., Anttila, M., Au, T., Baumgartner, J., Churchill, R., Cuijpers, P., Becker, T., Koesters, M., Lantta, T., Nosè, M., Ostuzzi, G., Popa, M., Purgato, M., Sijbrandij, M., Turrini, G., Välimäki, M., Walker, L., Wancata, J., Zanini, E., White, R.G., van Ommeren, M. and Barbui, C. . Effectiveness of a WHO self-help psychological intervention for preventing mental disorders among Syrian refugees in Turkey: a randomized controlled trial. World Psychiatry . 2022. 21: 88-95. DOI:
- Shoesmith, E. K., Spanakis, P., Peckham, E. J., Heron, P. N., Johnston, G., Walker, L., Crosland, S. & Ratschen, E., . The role of animal ownership for people with severe mental illness during the Covid-19 pandemic: a mixed-method study investigating links with health and loneliness. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health . 2021. 18, p. 1-16 16 p. DOI:
- Peckham, E. J., Allgar, V., Crosland, S., Heron, P. N., Johnston, G., Newbronner, E., Spanakis, P., Wadman, R. E., Walker, L. & Gilbody, S., . Health risk behaviours among people with severe mental ill health during the COVID-19 pandemic: Analysis of linked cohort data. PLoS ONE. 2021. 16, 10, p. 1-13 13 p. DOI:
- Spanakis, P., Heron, P. N., Walker, L., Crosland, S., Wadman, R. E., Newbronner, E., Johnston, G., Gilbody, S. & Peckham, E. J., . Use of the Internet and digital devices among people with severe mental ill health during the COVID-19 pandemic restrictions. Frontiers in psychiatry. 2021. DOI:
- Purgato M., Carswell K., Tedeschi F., Acarturk C., Anttila M., Au T., Bajbouj M., Baumgartner J., Biondi M., Churchill R., Cuijpers P., Koesters M., Gastaldon C., Ilkkursun Z., Lantta T., Nosè M., Ostuzzi G., Papola D., Popa M., Roselli V., Sijbrandij M., Tarsitani L,. Turrini G., Välimäki M., Walker L., Wancata J., Zanini E., White R., van Ommeren M., Barbui C. . ). Effectiveness of Self-Help Plus in Preventing Mental Disorders in Refugees and Asylum Seekers in Western Europe: A Multinational Randomized Controlled Trial. Psychotherapy and psychosomatics. 2021. 1–12. DOI:
- Peckham, E., Allgar, V., Crosland, S., Heron, P., Johnston, G., Newbronner, E., Ratschen, E., Spanakis, P., Wadman, R., Walker, L. & Gilbody, S., . Investigating smoking and nicotine dependence among people with severe mental illness during the COVID-19 pandemic: analysis of linked data from a UK Closing the Gap cohort. British Journal of Psychiatry Open. 2021. 7, 3, e86. DOI:
- Lovell K., Bee P., Bower P., Brooks H., Cahoon P., Callaghan P., Carter L A., Cree, L., Davies L., Drake R., Fraser C., Gibbons C., Grundy A., Hinsliff-Smith K., Meade O., Roberts C., Rogers A., Rushton K., Sanders C., Shields G & Walker L. . Training to enhance user and carer involvement in mental health-care planning: the EQUIP research programme including a cluster RCT. Programme Grants Applied Research . 2019. 7 (9). DOI:
- Lovell K., Bee P., Brooks H., Cahoon P., Callaghan P., Carter L-A., Cree L., Davies L., Drake R., Fraser C., Gibbons C., Grundy A., Hinsliff-Smith K., Meade O., Roberts C., Rogers A., Rushton K., Sanders C., Shields G., Walker L., Bower P.. Embedding shared decision-making in the care of patients with severe and enduring mental health problems: The EQUIP pragmatic cluster randomised trial. PLoS ONE . 2018. 13(8): e0201533. DOI:
- Brooks, H.L., Rushton, K., Lovell, K. Bee, P., Walker, L., Grant, L., Rogers, A. The power of support from companion animals for people living with mental health problems: a systematic review and narrative synthesis of the evidence. BMC Psychiatry. 2018. 18 (31) . DOI:
- Grundy, AC., Walker, L., Meade, O., et al. Evaluation of a co-delivered training package for community mental health professionals on service user- and carer-involved care planning. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing. . 2017. 24(6), pp. 358-366. DOI:
- Bower P., Roberts C., O'Leary N., Callaghan, P., Bee, P., Fraser, C., Gibbons, C., Olleveant, N., Rogers, A., Davies, L., Meade, O., Grundy, A., Walker, L., Cree, L., Berzins, K., Brooks, H., Beatty, S., Cahoon, P., Rolfe, A., Lovell, K. . A cluster randomized controlled trial and process evaluation of a training programme for mental health professionals to enhance user involvement in care planning in service users with severe mental health issues (EQUIP): study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials. 2015. 16 (348). DOI:
- Gibbons CJ., Bee PE., Walker L., Price O., Lovell K. . Service user- and carer-reported measures of involvement in mental health care planning: methodological quality and acceptability to users. Front Psychiatry . 2014. 5 (178) . DOI: